Friday, December 29, 2017

FCRR (Florida Center for Reading Research) Student Activities

FCRR has a lot of FREE resources available for teachers to use with students. They've been around for awhile. I've used many of their activities over the years and decided to make some more things to do with my students.

This link will take you to their Student Center Activity page, where you can check out all the resources for K-5. 

"During 2004-2007, a team of teachers at FCRR collected ideas and created Student Center Activities for use in kindergarten through fifth grade classrooms. Accompanying these Student Center Activities is a Teacher Resource Guide and Professional Development DVD that offers important insights on differentiated instruction and how to use the student center materials."

"All educators are welcome to make print copies of the Student Center Activities as long as modifications are not made, the materials will only be used for non-profit educational purposes, and the copyright remains the same. The resources on our site may be linked to but not reposted, reproduced, modified or copied to other sites."

 First I printed out off the instruction page and attached it to the front of an envelope.

 I laminated all the cards that I printed on cardstock for durability.

 I also laminated the envelope. I fold the tab down on the back and attached it so it could be easily opened.

 I used Ziploc baggies to keep the game cards in.

 I put everything inside the envelope, including game cards and answer sheets.

 Ready to go!

Saturday, November 25, 2017

Word Spinners

Making Words with Contractions

To practice contractions, I wrote the base words on sentence strip and then folded them over and wrote the matching contraction.
Students then wrote the words they made on dry erase boards.

I think had students use the contraction cards to play a bingo game. They wrote the two words and I said the contraction. They had to erase the words until they didn't have any left.


Making Words with Plural Nouns

To practice plural nouns, I wrote the base words on sentence strip and then folded them over and wrote the plural endings.

Students then wrote the words they made on dry erase boards.

Friday, November 24, 2017

Using Word Spinners with Second Grade

I made these word spinners from Rolodexes to use with my second graders to practice the word endings -ed and -ing. Students had to write the ending over the base word. They could take the cards off to write on and then spin the Rolodex around to read the words.

Word Spinners with Rolodexes

I used these Rolodexes to make word spinners.

Each card had a plastic sleeve that makes it perfect for writing on with a dry erase marker!

I used these for students to add plural endings - ed and ing. I wrote the base words on the white card and put them into the sleeves. Then students could write the endings over the word.