Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Epic and Read Theory with 3rd Grade

Today I got my 3rd graders set up on Epic and Read Theory. Click on the links to learn more about both. Epic is great for reading and tracking books online. Read Theory is differentiated quizzes over leveled reading passages. 

I'm having a computer station during my 3rd grade computer time, so during this time, student will be taking quizzes on Read Theory and reading books on Epic. Once I got them set up, they became more familiar with both.

Read180 with 4th Grade

Today I started Read180 with my 4th graders. I'm still becoming familiar with the program. I had all the kiddos get on the computers and log into their accounts.

I only have 45 minutes with the kids, instead of the hour they suggested, and I only meet with them for four days a week, so I had to get creative. I came up with the following rotation schedule: